hits one million monthly users for the first time

Mar 2, 2022 | News

MINING.COM, Glacier Media’s global mining news website, recorded 1.25 million visitors in January this year – a 60% increase on the same month in 2020, and a 160% jump compared to two years ago.

Around 60% of site visitors are now located outside North America, with India and the Asia Pacific region showing the strongest growth; Australian visitors doubled over the past year and Singapore and Philippines now rank in the top 10. “Readers flocked to MINING.COM not only for breaking news amid the global pandemic, but also for analysis of industry trends as electric vehicles and green energy reach a tipping point and mining grows in importance for the broader public,” said Executive Editor Frik Els. “To track this burgeoning industry we launched a world-first EV Metal Index in 2020, which measures the value of metals in all electric cars sold around the world.”


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